ICANN Fellowship Programme

Sydney, Seoul, Nairobi, Brussels, Cartagena, Silicon Valley, Singapore & beyond!

I was wondering if everyone here is aware of the E-Learning page on ICANN's website.


"Welcome to E-Learning where you will find multimedia options that enable you to learn more about the various initiatives and programs currently going on at ICANN. With additional content being incrementally added over time, it's all free so click on the buttons below to explore the relevant pages where you can either pre-register for an upcoming event or download a previous podcast, audio briefing or webinar session."


Click here to go to ICANN's E-Learning page.


The reason I bring this up is because I am also wondering how many of us Fellowship alumni are members, active or not, with different ACs and SOs versus how many of us have not joined any at all. The Fellowship program is amazing, and it is evolving still to the benefit of the fellows with new ideas like making mentors available to returning fellows during ICANN meetings. Although several ACs, SOs, and constituencies have shown a desire to perform outreach (via Fellowship morning meetings and other venues), there doesn't seem to be a clear or structured induction process to enable new members in the community to catch up with current events. The E-Learning page is great, so are the policy update webinars that take place prior to every meeting, but if anyone is still facing difficulties or has ideas on how to help other alumni, please share. I think it makes sense that we do what we can to help each other.



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This is an excellent point made by Amr. It might be useful for the Fellowship Alumni to take this up as an initiative for Singapore and beyond?


Siranush - as a returning Fellow, who will be in Singapore, is this something you might be willing to pursue?


Best wishes,



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